Seismic records for OKSSEN deployment ( OQ network )

Last 2 hours of data from OQ network sites

Seismic traces on vertical channel

Seismic traces all channel

Last day (24 hours) of data from OQ network sites

Seismic traces on vertical channel

Seismic traces all channel

Helpful Information About These Displays

The images on this page are snapshots of the last 2 and 24 hours of data the ANF is currently receiving from okssen stations.

Waveform data is yellow with a dark blue background. A black background represents zero data return. The most recent data is on the right-hand side, with the edge of the right-hand side of the image being the current time.

The identifying code (on the left-hand side) is in the format NN_STA_CHA where NN is the operating network (i.e. the Transportable Array (TA), a regional network like CalTech (CI) or the USNSN(US)), STA is the station code, and CHA is the channel code used to identify a particular data stream from the station (e.g. HHZ is a broadband, High sample rate, High gain, Vertical component data stream).