The Oklahoma Structural and Site Effects Network (OKSSEN) monitors a 12 story reinforced concrete structure on Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater, OK, in a region that has seen a sharp increase in earthquakes associated with injection of wastewater from oil production into the subsurface. The project provides data to determine whether current methods for estimating the seismic hazard and structural response are reliable for typical buildings in Oklahoma that were built at a time when seismic safety was not considered in their design. The project will also develop new estimates of the ground motion levels that may be experienced at the site, taking into account local geologic conditions, so that these can be used to assess whether the structure may be likely to be damaged in future earthquakes.i
The project includes:
The project is a collaboration between the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, and the Oklahoma State University, funded by the National Science Foundation Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation.